Premium Quality and Magnetically Good Looks: The iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe

I finally received my iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe I ordered over a month ago. After using it for just a few days I have to say it has been totally worth the wait.

I’m constantly looking for ways to carry less. I’ve managed to slim down and discard all of the superfluous stuff I once carried in a bulky billfold and have since been a minimalist EDC wallet user. Now with virtually all of my pocketbook digitized into my iPhone, I’ve narrowed down the physical cards I carry to just three which, until now, I’ve kept inside a compact Titanium Ridge Wallet separately tucked into my front pocket. Apple’s iPhone Leather Wallet has built in a feature that can help to free up that pocket space as well.

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The Apple Product That Looks Better With Abuse: The iPhone Leather Case

Anyone that’s owned any leather products knows that they tend to look better with age and abuse. So, what better way to protect your shiny new iPhone than with a case that can get increasingly attractive the more it gets beaten up? Continue reading The Apple Product That Looks Better With Abuse: The iPhone Leather Case

The iPhone Case That Gets Better With Age: The Incase Leather Snap Case

iPhones are gorgeous and expensive devices. So, it’s natural to want to protect that investment and preserve its elegant design. While most cases effectively safeguard the beauty of the iPhone, they tend to make it less than beautiful in the process.

There are cases however, like the Incase Leather Snap Case that offer protection and rugged good looks, in a thin, premium leather covered hardshell, that doesn’t compromise the elegant design of the iPhone.

Continue reading The iPhone Case That Gets Better With Age: The Incase Leather Snap Case