Premium Quality and Magnetically Good Looks: The iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe

I finally received my iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe I ordered over a month ago. After using it for just a few days I have to say it has been totally worth the wait.

I’m constantly looking for ways to carry less. I’ve managed to slim down and discard all of the superfluous stuff I once carried in a bulky billfold and have since been a minimalist EDC wallet user. Now with virtually all of my pocketbook digitized into my iPhone, I’ve narrowed down the physical cards I carry to just three which, until now, I’ve kept inside a compact Titanium Ridge Wallet separately tucked into my front pocket. Apple’s iPhone Leather Wallet has built in a feature that can help to free up that pocket space as well.

Continue reading Premium Quality and Magnetically Good Looks: The iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe

The Biggest Feature Is Its Awesomeness: The iPhone 12 Pro Max

It’s too big!

Its display refresh rate is still only 60hz!

Its screen’s scratch resistance hasn’t improved!

These are the three loudest complaints that have continued to circulate in almost every review I’ve read or seen since the iPhone 12 Pro Max was released. I’ve had this iPhone for two weeks now and from what I observe so far is that these complaints are totally nonsensical.

If you’ve been considering the newest iPhone but have been hesitant based on any of these three negative points, then perhaps a bit more insight will help to make a more balanced decision.

Continue reading The Biggest Feature Is Its Awesomeness: The iPhone 12 Pro Max