Get Things Done And Have Fun Doing It: Epic Win

To-Do lists keep tasks focused, on schedule, and ideally on the path to completion. However, for many, the focus and dedication required to maintain an effective To-Do list can be a task unto itself.

One look at many of the To-Do list apps in the iOS App store, and one can see that many developers are keenly aware of this. So, each tries to set their To-Do list App apart from all the rest by either beautifying it to make chores pleasant to look at, or adding gimmicky gestures to make adding tasks less tedious.

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Simply Checking Weather CAN Be Simple Again: Yahoo! Weather

If you own an iPhone, you’ve discovered it does a lot. If you’ve visited the App Store lately, you’ve discovered with apps, it can do even more. While the iPhone comes bundled with already useful software features, imaginative developers are continually finding new and clever ways to augment your iPhone experience through Apps.

Weather apps are among the most downloaded because they offer more useful information than the built-in app. I’ve found however, many of these apps are typically harder to use than they need to be.

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Turn Your iPhone Into A Fantastic GPS Navigator: Waze

For people like myself who have a horrible sense of direction, or simply hate to ask for directions, driving to a desired location has never been easier. GPS navigation has, for the most part, taken the planning and guess work out of finding a route to where I need to go. However, one area of turn-by-turn direction that In-Dash and Mountable GPS systems continue to fumble with, is building routes around the unpredictability of traffic and conditions on the road.

If you’re buying a car or just shopping for a Mountable GPS Device, consider the following before you plunk down that small fortune to add that fancy navigational system to your dashboard: There are far better and less expensive solutions available. One in particular I’ve found to be fantastic…

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The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+

It’s said that the best camera you have is the one that’s with you.

Now that most of us carry smartphones with a built-in camera there’s a good chance that a camera is with you all the time. In fact, these days smartphone cameras have even proven themselves better than most actual Point-And-Shoot cameras. Better not only in picture quality, but in the versatility that is achieved through the use of Apps.

If you own an iPhone and visited the App Store lately, you’ve seen the countless camera Apps available. While each adds clever and fun abilities to your smartphone’s camera, one App in particular I find stands out among the rest.

Continue reading The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+