Take Your Photography To New Heights Without Taking Your Wallet Along For The Ride: The DJI Spark

Just as Apple is the aspirational brand for Technology, DJI is the aspirational brand for Drones due to its ease of use, attention to engineering detail, and exceptional build quality.

DJI just released its latest model drone, the Mavic Air, which is the brand’s newest addition to the “consumer-pro” level of their drone line placing it a tier above the Spark in both features and price. A recent discussion with friends on which of the two makes the best entry into the drone hobby has inspired me to share some thoughts as to why the Spark remains a solid choice between the two. Continue reading Take Your Photography To New Heights Without Taking Your Wallet Along For The Ride: The DJI Spark

Similar But Definitely Not The Same: The iPhone 7 Plus

It’s easy to dismiss the iPhone 7 Plus as a seemingly underwhelming update because of its similar form factor to the iPhone 6 Plus. However, there are very noteworthy updates to this phone – and after 6 months of use, I can say most assuredly that this is still a fantastic upgrade in almost every way. Continue reading Similar But Definitely Not The Same: The iPhone 7 Plus

An Alternative To Instagram That Can Do Much More Than Share Photos: Flickr

Pictures are worth a thousand words. So, it’s no wonder that photo sharing applications like Instagram have become the preferred medium for sharing thoughts, ideas, and inspiration.

With the advancements in smartphone camera quality, and the versatility of having an internet connection through that device virtually everywhere, applications such as these have made sharing those photos an effortless and almost instantaneous exercise. There is however, an older app that can do just about everything Instagram can do and more.

Continue reading An Alternative To Instagram That Can Do Much More Than Share Photos: Flickr

Helpy Tip: iPhone Quick Camera Access

Recently, as I watched someone struggling to navigate to the camera application on their iPhone, I realized that many iPhone features still remain unknown to most users. Do you know that a quick camera access feature exists on your lock screen? If not, read on!

Continue reading Helpy Tip: iPhone Quick Camera Access

The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+

It’s said that the best camera you have is the one that’s with you.

Now that most of us carry smartphones with a built-in camera there’s a good chance that a camera is with you all the time. In fact, these days smartphone cameras have even proven themselves better than most actual Point-And-Shoot cameras. Better not only in picture quality, but in the versatility that is achieved through the use of Apps.

If you own an iPhone and visited the App Store lately, you’ve seen the countless camera Apps available. While each adds clever and fun abilities to your smartphone’s camera, one App in particular I find stands out among the rest.

Continue reading The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+