Double The Battery Life Of Your iPhone 5: Mophie Juice Pack Air

Battery runtime on mobile phones isn’t what it used to be. I used to charge my cellphone and expect it to run for days before my next charge. But let’s face it, mobile phones aren’t just phones anymore.

Today’s mobile phones, particularly smartphones, have more in common with laptops than they do with cellphones. If you’re like me, you’ve come to this realization long ago and use your iPhone as you would your laptop. And, because it does practically everything that a laptop can do, minus the bulk and weight, it’s probably become your only mobile computing device.

However, this level of performance also draws power too, giving me the same mediocre battery life I would get from my laptop. If you’re looking for a way to keep your iPhone 5 running all day, while leaving all the charging accessories at home, I’ve found an integrated battery case to be the best solution.

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Turn Your iPhone Into A Fantastic GPS Navigator: Waze

For people like myself who have a horrible sense of direction, or simply hate to ask for directions, driving to a desired location has never been easier. GPS navigation has, for the most part, taken the planning and guess work out of finding a route to where I need to go. However, one area of turn-by-turn direction that In-Dash and Mountable GPS systems continue to fumble with, is building routes around the unpredictability of traffic and conditions on the road.

If you’re buying a car or just shopping for a Mountable GPS Device, consider the following before you plunk down that small fortune to add that fancy navigational system to your dashboard: There are far better and less expensive solutions available. One in particular I’ve found to be fantastic…

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Big Things CAN Come From A Tiny Box: The Jawbone Jambox

After Apple’s recent change from the nearly decade old 30 pin dock connector to the new and more adaptable Lightning connector, much demand for new Speaker Docks have been on the rise.

While an integrated speaker and charging station has its utility value, I’ve found “Speaker Docks” often to be accessories with limited versatility or packed with features redundant to the ones found on the iPhones themselves.

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Weatherproof Your iPhone: The Lifeproof Frē Case And The Lewis N. Clark Waterproof Pouch

Mobile Phones aren’t just Phones anymore. iPhones in particular are fully featured computers with an amalgam of numerous functions and technologies. All the gadgets I once carried in a bag have been combined into one remarkably small device that fits comfortably in my pocket.

It is a wondrous feat of engineering, its features make it an indispensable tool of productivity, and it is not cheap.

If you too own an iPhone and sometimes worry about the potential hazards that could destroy that investment, either of the following two protective solutions I regularly use may be what you’re looking for.

Continue reading Weatherproof Your iPhone: The Lifeproof Frē Case And The Lewis N. Clark Waterproof Pouch