The Little Headset That Does: The New ERA By Jawbone

I’ve owned a variety of Bluetooth headsets. New innovations and features would lure me from one brand to another. But, once I tried a Jawbone, it had quickly become a favorite. It didn’t initially win me over in style, and definitely not in size (early versions were ridiculously huge). I came to appreciate Jawbone because I found their headsets simply have the best military-grade noise canceling of any reasonably priced Bluetooth earpiece.

But now, the newest Jawbone has it all – epic noise cancellation, style, and a lot of Helpy Features. And, it’s small… Really small.

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Big Things CAN Come From A Tiny Box: The Jawbone Jambox

After Apple’s recent change from the nearly decade old 30 pin dock connector to the new and more adaptable Lightning connector, much demand for new Speaker Docks have been on the rise.

While an integrated speaker and charging station has its utility value, I’ve found “Speaker Docks” often to be accessories with limited versatility or packed with features redundant to the ones found on the iPhones themselves.

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