Lose the Junk but not Your Style: The Ridge Wallet

Nowadays with ApplePay, Google Pay, and the digitization of the wallet, some might consider their smartphone to be the most important object in their pocket or bag. However, not all merchants are ready to go all digital and still require payment with physical cards or cash. Thus, the analog wallet remains the king of pocket priority. 

But if you’re like me, your wallet holds more than just cards and cash. It’s become a hoarding space packed with superfluous junk. A year ago I decided to go through my wallet and scan all the receipts, business cards, and other unnecessary things and discard them. Then, I bought a compact Every Day Carry (EDC) wallet to carry only what I need: my credit cards, I.D., and Cash. 

Continue reading Lose the Junk but not Your Style: The Ridge Wallet

Weatherproof Your iPhone: The Lifeproof Frē Case And The Lewis N. Clark Waterproof Pouch

Mobile Phones aren’t just Phones anymore. iPhones in particular are fully featured computers with an amalgam of numerous functions and technologies. All the gadgets I once carried in a bag have been combined into one remarkably small device that fits comfortably in my pocket.

It is a wondrous feat of engineering, its features make it an indispensable tool of productivity, and it is not cheap.

If you too own an iPhone and sometimes worry about the potential hazards that could destroy that investment, either of the following two protective solutions I regularly use may be what you’re looking for.

Continue reading Weatherproof Your iPhone: The Lifeproof Frē Case And The Lewis N. Clark Waterproof Pouch