The Device That Helps You Stay Healthy, Connected, and May Even Save Your Life: The Apple Watch Series 4

It’s been a couple of weeks now and my overall enthusiasm with the newest Apple Watch continues to be hard to contain. With all its improvements, definitive direction toward wellness, FDA Clearance and nods from the American Heart Association it comes as no surprise. Continue reading The Device That Helps You Stay Healthy, Connected, and May Even Save Your Life: The Apple Watch Series 4

Find Your Wallet, Keys and More in Seconds: TrackR

Nowadays, virtually all our devices have some form of geolocation service built in. Thanks to GPS, when you lose something or even someone, they don’t remain lost for very long. However, there are still some things such as my Wallet and Keys that stay lost when I misplace them.

TrackR is a tiny coin-sized Bluetooth device that uses your smartphone’s GPS to convert your losable items into findable objects that can even “call out” to you before you leave them behind. Continue reading Find Your Wallet, Keys and More in Seconds: TrackR

Simply Checking Weather CAN Be Simple Again: Yahoo! Weather

If you own an iPhone, you’ve discovered it does a lot. If you’ve visited the App Store lately, you’ve discovered with apps, it can do even more. While the iPhone comes bundled with already useful software features, imaginative developers are continually finding new and clever ways to augment your iPhone experience through Apps.

Weather apps are among the most downloaded because they offer more useful information than the built-in app. I’ve found however, many of these apps are typically harder to use than they need to be.

Continue reading Simply Checking Weather CAN Be Simple Again: Yahoo! Weather