Recently, as I watched someone struggling to navigate to the camera application on their iPhone, I realized that many iPhone features still remain unknown to most users. Do you know that a quick camera access feature exists on your lock screen? If not, read on!
Tag: iPhone
Get Things Done And Have Fun Doing It: Epic Win
To-Do lists keep tasks focused, on schedule, and ideally on the path to completion. However, for many, the focus and dedication required to maintain an effective To-Do list can be a task unto itself.
One look at many of the To-Do list apps in the iOS App store, and one can see that many developers are keenly aware of this. So, each tries to set their To-Do list App apart from all the rest by either beautifying it to make chores pleasant to look at, or adding gimmicky gestures to make adding tasks less tedious.
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The iPhone Case That Gets Better With Age: The Incase Leather Snap Case
iPhones are gorgeous and expensive devices. So, it’s natural to want to protect that investment and preserve its elegant design. While most cases effectively safeguard the beauty of the iPhone, they tend to make it less than beautiful in the process.
There are cases however, like the Incase Leather Snap Case that offer protection and rugged good looks, in a thin, premium leather covered hardshell, that doesn’t compromise the elegant design of the iPhone.
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Simply Checking Weather CAN Be Simple Again: Yahoo! Weather
If you own an iPhone, you’ve discovered it does a lot. If you’ve visited the App Store lately, you’ve discovered with apps, it can do even more. While the iPhone comes bundled with already useful software features, imaginative developers are continually finding new and clever ways to augment your iPhone experience through Apps.
Weather apps are among the most downloaded because they offer more useful information than the built-in app. I’ve found however, many of these apps are typically harder to use than they need to be.
Continue reading Simply Checking Weather CAN Be Simple Again: Yahoo! Weather
Double The Battery Life Of Your iPhone 5: Mophie Juice Pack Air
Battery runtime on mobile phones isn’t what it used to be. I used to charge my cellphone and expect it to run for days before my next charge. But let’s face it, mobile phones aren’t just phones anymore.
Today’s mobile phones, particularly smartphones, have more in common with laptops than they do with cellphones. If you’re like me, you’ve come to this realization long ago and use your iPhone as you would your laptop. And, because it does practically everything that a laptop can do, minus the bulk and weight, it’s probably become your only mobile computing device.
However, this level of performance also draws power too, giving me the same mediocre battery life I would get from my laptop. If you’re looking for a way to keep your iPhone 5 running all day, while leaving all the charging accessories at home, I’ve found an integrated battery case to be the best solution.
Continue reading Double The Battery Life Of Your iPhone 5: Mophie Juice Pack Air
Big Things CAN Come From A Tiny Box: The Jawbone Jambox
After Apple’s recent change from the nearly decade old 30 pin dock connector to the new and more adaptable Lightning connector, much demand for new Speaker Docks have been on the rise.
While an integrated speaker and charging station has its utility value, I’ve found “Speaker Docks” often to be accessories with limited versatility or packed with features redundant to the ones found on the iPhones themselves.
Continue reading Big Things CAN Come From A Tiny Box: The Jawbone Jambox
Weatherproof Your iPhone: The Lifeproof Frē Case And The Lewis N. Clark Waterproof Pouch
Mobile Phones aren’t just Phones anymore. iPhones in particular are fully featured computers with an amalgam of numerous functions and technologies. All the gadgets I once carried in a bag have been combined into one remarkably small device that fits comfortably in my pocket.
It is a wondrous feat of engineering, its features make it an indispensable tool of productivity, and it is not cheap.
If you too own an iPhone and sometimes worry about the potential hazards that could destroy that investment, either of the following two protective solutions I regularly use may be what you’re looking for.
A Car Adapter That’s ADAPTABLE: The Incase Mini Car Charger
Devices are more mobile – which in turn, make us more mobile.
If you’re like me, you have a bag full of battery powered gadgets. If you’ve been following my blog, you’ve undoubtedly noticed a recurring gadget from my bag that is a battery called the Mophie Powerstation. It’s often mentioned for its ability to charge all my other gadgets on the go. But, like all my other gadgets, it too may need a charge on the way to where I’m going.
Get A Car Charger… But Which One?
A friend asked me to help him choose which car adapters to purchase for his smartphone and tablet. We went through adapters specific to each device before I finally recommended The Incase Mini Car Charger (or chargers like it) because of these winning features…
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My Daily Activity Compass: The Nike+ FuelBand
Today, there are numerous gadgets and applications that work to help us accomplish our day to day tasks with little to no physical effort. These technologies enable busy professionals and parents like myself to do more in our day. However, these same conveniences can sometimes instead help to promote a sedentary lifestyle.
As it turns out, there are an increasing number of gadgets and apps that work to promote an active lifestyle through quantifying the physical exertion you do make and rewarding you for doing more.
The Nike+ FuelBand and it’s accompanying web and iPhone software is Nike’s answer to the growing demand for devices and services that help to motivate activity, track progress, and reward the user for the effort.
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The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+
It’s said that the best camera you have is the one that’s with you.
Now that most of us carry smartphones with a built-in camera there’s a good chance that a camera is with you all the time. In fact, these days smartphone cameras have even proven themselves better than most actual Point-And-Shoot cameras. Better not only in picture quality, but in the versatility that is achieved through the use of Apps.
If you own an iPhone and visited the App Store lately, you’ve seen the countless camera Apps available. While each adds clever and fun abilities to your smartphone’s camera, one App in particular I find stands out among the rest.
Continue reading The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+