The Helpiest iOS Ever: iOS 7

It’s been a week now since I’ve updated to Apple’s biggest iOS change in years and I have to say I can never imagine going back. The newest operating system is cleaner, simpler, and more helpful than the versions before it.

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The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+

It’s said that the best camera you have is the one that’s with you.

Now that most of us carry smartphones with a built-in camera there’s a good chance that a camera is with you all the time. In fact, these days smartphone cameras have even proven themselves better than most actual Point-And-Shoot cameras. Better not only in picture quality, but in the versatility that is achieved through the use of Apps.

If you own an iPhone and visited the App Store lately, you’ve seen the countless camera Apps available. While each adds clever and fun abilities to your smartphone’s camera, one App in particular I find stands out among the rest.

Continue reading The Camera That’s With You CAN Be The Best: Camera+

Real Racing 3: An Amazing Game With A Helpy Feature!

Mobile phones and tablets are amazing devices. Many of which have numerous features and functions that when augmented with software or “Apps”, become more than helpful… They become the Helpiest tools in our bag or pocket.

These apps convert your otherwise simple mobile device into things like a Heart Rate Meter to check your pulse, Fitness assistant to maintain a healthy lifestyle, or a GPS locator to help you find your way and possibly save your life.

With that said, one can hardly expect to find a Helpy Feature in a Game – but there is one in Real Racing 3… And it’s amazing.

Continue reading Real Racing 3: An Amazing Game With A Helpy Feature!

The Ultimate Bluetooth Device: Sony Ericsson MW600 Bluetooth Stereo Headphones

Searching for a pair of Bluetooth stereo headphones can be tough. Preferences only add to the difficulty. Do you prefer big cup over-the-ear headphones or in-ear earbuds? And if you prefer in-ear, then do you get ones that wrap over your head or around? Then there’s the ultimate question of sound quality!

Again, finding the right pair of wireless stereo headphones can be difficult. So if you’re still looking for the right pair look no further.

Continue reading The Ultimate Bluetooth Device: Sony Ericsson MW600 Bluetooth Stereo Headphones