I finally received my iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe I ordered over a month ago. After using it for just a few days I have to say it has been totally worth the wait.
I’m constantly looking for ways to carry less. I’ve managed to slim down and discard all of the superfluous stuff I once carried in a bulky billfold and have since been a minimalist EDC wallet user. Now with virtually all of my pocketbook digitized into my iPhone, I’ve narrowed down the physical cards I carry to just three which, until now, I’ve kept inside a compact Titanium Ridge Wallet separately tucked into my front pocket. Apple’s iPhone Leather Wallet has built in a feature that can help to free up that pocket space as well.

The iPhone Leather Wallet is slimmer than my Ridge Wallet and can magnetically attach to my iPhone so I can put them together in one pocket. It’s now like I’m carrying even less!

When this wallet was introduced it was met with a lot of scrutiny and criticism. Some called it a “mess” and questioned if its magnetic attachment to the iPhone is strong enough to keep it from falling off when sliding into a pocket. Others have even said that Apple “missed the mark” by making a product that “doesn’t do what it’s supposed to well”.
These negative comments and videos of people (haphazardly) sliding their iPhone in their pockets in a way that made it fall off almost had me concerned… until I saw a review by Peter McKinnon that perfectly addresses these specific negative remarks and highlights what makes this wallet a great product overall. After watching his video, I was sold and ordered one immediately.
If you too are still uncertain about picking up one of these wallets based on the negative reviews, watch Peter’s YouTube video (below) on “Why Everyone is wrong about the MagSafe Wallet”. It’s frank, entertaining, extremely informative, and may help you decide as it did for me.
This wallet looks great, feels premium to the touch, and does everything Apple clearly intended this product to do. It supplements the Digital Wallet in your iPhone by giving just enough room for the barest essential physical cards you need to carry while providing an elegant and secure way to keep them together.
The iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe is $59 and available at apple.com.