Get Things Done And Have Fun Doing It: Epic Win

To-Do lists keep tasks focused, on schedule, and ideally on the path to completion. However, for many, the focus and dedication required to maintain an effective To-Do list can be a task unto itself.

One look at many of the To-Do list apps in the iOS App store, and one can see that many developers are keenly aware of this. So, each tries to set their To-Do list App apart from all the rest by either beautifying it to make chores pleasant to look at, or adding gimmicky gestures to make adding tasks less tedious.

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Alternative To Netflix You May Already Be Subscribed To: Amazon Prime Instant Video

If you’ve been looking for an alternative streaming service to Netflix, there’s one service that many, including myself, have probably overlooked until now – Amazon Prime Instant Video.

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The iPhone Case That Gets Better With Age: The Incase Leather Snap Case

iPhones are gorgeous and expensive devices. So, it’s natural to want to protect that investment and preserve its elegant design. While most cases effectively safeguard the beauty of the iPhone, they tend to make it less than beautiful in the process.

There are cases however, like the Incase Leather Snap Case that offer protection and rugged good looks, in a thin, premium leather covered hardshell, that doesn’t compromise the elegant design of the iPhone.

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Simply Checking Weather CAN Be Simple Again: Yahoo! Weather

If you own an iPhone, you’ve discovered it does a lot. If you’ve visited the App Store lately, you’ve discovered with apps, it can do even more. While the iPhone comes bundled with already useful software features, imaginative developers are continually finding new and clever ways to augment your iPhone experience through Apps.

Weather apps are among the most downloaded because they offer more useful information than the built-in app. I’ve found however, many of these apps are typically harder to use than they need to be.

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