Helpy Reductions

Being the Geek that I was, I remember the days when I would carry around a bag filled with the gadgets that I might need. Now, being the Geek-Dad I am, I carry around a bag filled with the things my kids do need – with little room left for my things.

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Don’t Underestimate The Power Of A Little Illumination: The Photon Micro-Light II

Flashlights are underrated.

If your thoughts are, “No they’re not – I just don’t need one…” then please read on.

Nobody needs anything until they finally do.

Although you may have a fancy Smartphone with a bright screen or an App that turns it’s LED flash into what could be used as a flashlight, consider this: What if you lose that phone… In the dark?

Continue reading Don’t Underestimate The Power Of A Little Illumination: The Photon Micro-Light II