Find Your Wallet, Keys and More in Seconds: TrackR

Nowadays, virtually all our devices have some form of geolocation service built in. Thanks to GPS, when you lose something or even someone, they don’t remain lost for very long. However, there are still some things such as my Wallet and Keys that stay lost when I misplace them.

TrackR is a tiny coin-sized Bluetooth device that uses your smartphone’s GPS to convert your losable items into findable objects that can even “call out” to you before you leave them behind.

Find your Keys.
Find your Bag.
Find your wallet!
TrackR is not much larger than a 25¢ Coin.

Your tagged objects are managed and tracked through the TrackR app from your smartphone. And, if you happen to instead misplace your smartphone, you can use your TrackR to find it.

The TrackR makes use of a crowd GPS Network to compensate for the range limitation of Bluetooth. When any one of the millions of TrackR users is within range of your lost item, through the GPS on that user’s smartphone, your TrackR tag will connect to the network and you will receive a GPS update of its last seen location. So potentially, from even miles away, you can continue to receive reporting on the geolocation of your lost object.

The Tile was actually the first experience I had with geolocation tags. It was a polished experience to use but when it came time to change the battery, the user friendliness of the Tile would die along with its power supply. When the Tile battery needed replacement, you would have to order a whole new Tile.

+ Coin-Sized – Fits Anywhere
+ Battery is Replaceable!
+ Easy to Setup and Use

– Not Water Resistant (but mine came with a sleeve)
– Requires Crowd GPS for Long Range location (but it works).

The best feature I find in the TrackR is that the battery is not sealed in. I don’t have to buy a whole new unit – I just replace the inexpensive battery.

The CR1620 3V battery is easy to access and replace.

With the TrackR, frantic searches for misplaced Keys and Wallets become a distant annoyance from the past.

The TrackR is $29 at

Want a Free TrackR device?!

Use my Referral Code below when you purchase and we’ll both receive a free TrackR device!
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