A Versatile Bluetooth Device: The Sony SBH54 Bluetooth Headset

Back in 2013 I called the Sony Ericsson MW600 Stereo Bluetooth Headset the ultimate Bluetooth device – mainly because it enabled me to turn any of my existing headphones into wireless ones. Since that time, that Stereo Bluetooth Headset has become an indispensable accessory for an iPhone that has gotten larger and farther away from my pocket than ever before.

With devices like my Apple Watch relaying from my phone all my messages and notifications, my iPhone spends most of its time across the room or in a bag rather than in my jeans pocket.

This past holiday 2015, somewhere between listening to music and eating turkey, I lost my MW600. So once again I found myself looking for a new set of Bluetooth Stereo Headphones. Surprisingly, not many new entries have emerged in this area since 2013.

Thankfully, Sony has been busy since that time and has made several improvements to their Stereo Bluetooth Headsets like the MW600, each built upon the strengths of the last. The only thing Sony hasn’t improved, is the naming of its products.

The Sony SBH54… the name just rolls off the tongue.

Like the old MW600, the SBH54 is basically a clip-on Bluetooth Receiver that any headphones can be plugged into to make them “wireless”.

It comes equipped with a Microphone for answering and taking calls and even has a built in Speaker that enables it to be used like a mini handset for a Smartphone.

Why a mini handset? Well, Smartphones these days haven’t just gotten smarter, they’ve gotten a lot bigger – now it’s basically a mini-Mini iPad that can look a bit ridiculous when held up to my ear.

Small, Medium, and Ginormous.

The feature of using the SBH54 as a mini handset works as a great alternative to holding a massive phone up to my head.

As you can see, the SBH54 is far more pocketable than my iPhone 6 Plus (and can even be clipped to my shirt). This gives me the ability to pickup and privately answer the calls that come in on my iPhone while it sits in my bag or across the room and even features its own vibrate alert.

The range is incredibly good. This is also a great personal audio solution for late night gaming or movies on an Apple TV (4th Generation).

It features a Built-in FM Radio.
 As with its predecessor, it too has a built-in FM Receiver that allows it to be untilized as a Stand-Alone FM Radio.

This device does have a couple drawbacks.

Limited pairing. Only 2 devices can be stored in its memory of paired devices at a time. The old MW600 was able to store more. However, the SBH54 does a pretty good job at switching audio between devices on its own.

While the receiver itself is wireless, the headphones you plug into it are wired. So, it’s not an entirely wire-less solution. And with truly wireless earbud solutions emerging over the horizon, this device as a headphone solution may end up looking dated over time.


+ Turn any wired Headphones into Bluetooth Headphones.

+ Can be used as a Handset for Calls.

+ Has Vibrate Alert.

+ Can be used with Apple TV (4th Generation).

+ Has a built-in FM Radio.


– Can only be paired to 2 Devices at a time.

– Not a completely Wire-less solution.

The SBH54 Bluetooth Headset is a well balanced and improved update to the line of Sony’s clip-on Bluetooth receivers which combines all the best features of the models that came before it.

The Sony SBH54 Stereo Bluetooth Headset retails for about $75

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